Thursday, November 4, 2010

Shopping in Paris: Top 10 Best Splurges

Fodorites' Favorite Splurges
Table Linens
"I like to purchase a table linen made by Le Jacquard Francais. They are sold in the
department stores such as Galleries Lafayette but there are also 2 shops that sell just
these linens. I love them and use them a lot—they wash up really nicely." –cls2paris
"For Provencal table linens at moderate prices, I suggest you look in the flower market
stalls on Ile de la Cite near Notre Dame. I do not know the shop's name but if you are
wandering in the area, you should be able to see the stacks of brightly colored cloth
from outside the shop. I had bought there eight years ago and found the place again
without any trouble. This year I got a medium rectangle (table for 6) for 35 Euros—red
poppies and lavender sprigs on a brilliant yellow background." –kayd
Odile Gilbert Hair Pin
"Upstairs, I fall in love with the Odile Gilbert hair pin. A very simple little
brass-toned thing, but as gracefully and ergonomically curved as a museum piece, and it
holds up a twist or chignon with just the one single pin. What a lovely name too,
conjuring two different swans. No price tag. I don't expect anything upstairs at
Colette to be cheap, but the salesgirl's answer is about double my guess! I thank her
and put it back, but downstairs before reaching the front door, all kinds of excuses
and justification, some valid some lame, pop into my head: 'haven't shopped much on
this trip; people easily spend more than this on a haircut or dinner; my apartment for
the whole week is less than what cousin Z pays for one night at the Hyatt; the exchange
rate is decent this week....' Back upstairs to treat myself to the little splurge."
Vintage Hermes Scarf
"My favorite splurge was a vintage Hermes scarf that I found on the Internet and
tracked down as soon as my plane landed in Paris. It was 'Les Perroquets' (the parrots)
and was 195E in 2007. I bought it at Les 3 Marches de Catherine B on rue Guisarde. It's
my favorite Hermes scarf because, well, parrots are the love of my life!" –theflock
Art Switcheroo
"One of my favorite splurges actually cost very little at first. I love to find a piece
of artwork when I travel—a basic watercolor or a pen and ink... when in paris I found a
pair of sketches in one of those stalls along the river. They cost nothing and no doubt
were hugely mass produced, but I loved them and because they were a bargain—maybe $10
apiece—I didn't hesitate to snatch them up. Once home the splurge began... I debated
the framing forever and finally let the framer talk me into a really beautiful frame
that was more than I had planned on spending. When I went to pick them up I was
floored. They were gorgeous and now hang in my family room and remind me daily of the
trip, but also of that moment." –motherofthree
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